Reality Capture and the Potential for the Digital Twin: An examination of the Matterport Pro2, the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, and the Trimble XR-10 with Microsoft Hololens2.


  • Alex Hill-Stosky Eagle Telecom Ltd.
  • Tim Brothers Government of Canada



BIM, Preservation, Indoor Mapping


Reality capture is moving past the realm of professionals and into the realm of common usage. With the use of close-range photogrammetry and LiDAR combined with IMUs, mainstream technology like the Matterport Pro2, the Samsung Note 20 Ultra and the Microsoft Hololens2 enable the collection of 3D information of a geographic location within seconds and a price point below 'survey grade' instruments. But, how good is it? How accurate are the representations they create?

In this UNB undergraduate capstone project presentation, we will be assessing the 3D models created by these platforms against established terrestrial LiDAR collection techniques to determine the suitabilty of these technologies in the field of professional reality capture.



Conference Proceedings Volume


Industry Case Studies