Enhancing Efficiency in Light-Gauge Steel (LGS) Prefabrication: A Strategic Workflow Optimization


  • Sadaf Montazeri Department of Construction engineering, University of New Brunswick, Canada
  • Nicole Odo Department of Construction engineering, University of New Brunswick, Canada
  • Zhen Lei Department of Construction engineering, University of New Brunswick, Canada


Light-gauge steel (LGS); prefabrication; workflow optimization; software solutions; off-site construction (OSC)


The Light-Gauge Steel (LGS) system is a construction technology that employs cold-formed steel as its primary material. This technique involves pressing the steel at extremely low temperatures to create thicknesses ranging from 0.5 to 3 mm. It can be carried out in a controlled factory environment with greater feasibility. However, the lack of streamlined processes for its implementation poses significant challenges in realizing its full potential. This study aims to both develop an optimized prefabrication workflow for LGS components and select the most suitable software solutions to support and enhance this workflow. The initiative represents a significant step forward in the efficient use of LGS, focusing on the integration of cutting-edge design and manufacturing technologies. A mixed-method research methodology was employed that included conducting on-site machinery observation, meetings with industry experts, exploration of software options, evaluation of software solutions, and model testing. Two leading software solutions, FrameBuilder-MRD and StrucSoft's MWF Pro Metal, were identified for their exceptional capabilities in LGS design and fabrication. These tools stood out for their automated design features, material optimization, and comprehensive integration with Building Information Modeling (BIM), addressing the critical needs of the prefabrication process. The implementation of this software is expected to significantly refine production processes, enhance operational efficiency, and solidify the role of advanced prefabrication methods in the construction sector. This paper details the selection process for software solutions, emphasizes the synergy between technological innovation and practical application, and outlines strategic recommendations for adopting an effective LGS prefabrication workflow. It highlights the important role of technology in advancing construction practices, offering insights into achieving greater efficiency and sustainability in the industry.




Conference Proceedings Volume


Academic Papers