Double-Sided STS-CLT Connection for a Modularized Building System


  • Linchao Shen University of New Brunswick
  • Meng Gong University of New Brunswick
  • Alan Lloyd University of New Brunswick
  • Mohammad Mohammad National Resouces of Canade (NRCan)


Cross laminated timber (CLT) is a lumber-based engineered wood product characterized by supreme mechanical performance, CNC fabrication capability, and panelized building system, making CLT a good building material for volumetric modular construction. However, most of the connections used in the CLT are transferred from the light- or heavy-frame wood construction with deficient stiffness and strength characteristics which can only provide vertical or horizontal connectivity. This study focused on the development of a CLT connection comprised of self-tapping screw (STS), and steel plate that could offer both vertical and horizontal connectivity. Three types of double-sided STS arrangement were investigated: Type 1 was the traditional 45° inserted STS parallel-to-grain, Type 2 was the 45° horizontally inserted perpendicular-to-grain on the opposite direction of each side of the steel plate, and Type 3 was a combination of Type 1 and Type 2. It was found the Type 3 was the most efficient connection in terms of strength and ductility. Type 3 resulted in an increase in the peak load and ductility by 28% and 33%, respectively compared to Type 1. It was concluded that the proposed connection arrangement was promising for both vertical and horizontal connectivity with adequate stiffness and strength. 




Conference Proceedings Volume


Academic Papers