Depalatalization or Palatalization in Russian Loanwords in Kola-Lappish


  • Laszlo Szabo University of New Brunswick


The Lappish language belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family. It is spoken in four European countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Russia). There are three major dialects of this language; one of those is "Eastern Lappish". "Kola-Lappish" is a subgroup of the Eastern dialect.

I noted down a large number of stories in Kola-Lappish and published the whole material in two books in Germany. (Laszlo Szabo: Kolalappische Volksdichtung I and II. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,1966 and 1968).

Almost all consonants can be palatalized or non-palatalized both in Russian and in Kola-Lappish. For this reason, it seems logical to expect that, when the words are borrowed from Russian into Kola-Lappish, there will not be too many changes as far as palatalized or non-palatalized consonants are concerned. However, in more than half of the borrowed words, if the consonant is palatalized in Russian, it is non-palatalized in Lappish or vice-versa, e.g. sanii 'sledges' Rus. sani 'id'., Lp. zaht 'son-in-law' Rus . zat 'id'.

In this paper, I shall present more examples of this strange phenomenon (mostly from my own Lappish stories), and try to explain it. The explanation is connected with Lappish consonant graduation.



How to Cite

Szabo, L. (1984). Depalatalization or Palatalization in Russian Loanwords in Kola-Lappish. Papers from the Annual Meetings of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association (PAMAPLA) ACTES DES COLLOQUES ANNUELS DE L’ASSOCIATION DE LINGUISTIQUE DES PROVINCES ATLANTIQUES (ACAALPA)., 7, 77–83. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

