A Note on the Underlying Shape of Present-Tense Morphemes in East Slavic


  • Raymond H. Miller Bowdoin College


In the one-stem theory of the Russian verb (Jakobson 1948), which has subsequently been generalized to apply to all East Slavic languages, the present-tense morphemes are broken into two components: a present-tense marker and a person/number marker.

Evidence derived from the development of these morphemes in Byelorussian dialects, however, suggests that native speakers of these dialects treat them as single units, a fact which has broad implications for determining the procedures by means of which morphemes are isolated in a linguistic analysis.



How to Cite

Miller, R. H. (1985). A Note on the Underlying Shape of Present-Tense Morphemes in East Slavic. Papers from the Annual Meetings of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association (PAMAPLA) ACTES DES COLLOQUES ANNUELS DE L’ASSOCIATION DE LINGUISTIQUE DES PROVINCES ATLANTIQUES (ACAALPA)., 8, 86–97. Retrieved from https://conferences.lib.unb.ca/index.php/pamapla/article/view/472

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