Robustness of Frequency Division Technique in a Simultaneous and Proportional Myoelectric Control Scheme


  • Ashirbad Pradhan
  • Ning Jiang
  • Wendy Hill
  • Victoria Chester
  • Usha Kuruganti



It is important for myoelectric control schemes to be robust to various electromyography (EMG) signal non-stationarities such as unintended activations and contraction level variations. In order to address this limitation, the present study compared performance measures between two filtering techniques: frequency division technique (FDT) and standard bandpass processing (Bandpass) in a simultaneous and proportional myoelectric control (SPEC) scheme for two contraction levels (medium and high). Twenty able-bodied participants (14 males and 6 females, age 23.4 ± 3.0) performed wrist movements (flexion/extension, rotations and combined movements) in two degrees-of freedom (DOF) virtual tasks. FDT had a mean completion rate (CR) of 95.33%, which was significantly higher than the SPB technique with a CR of 64.08% (p<0.001). FDT method performed significantly better in all other performance indices in at least one movement type. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the performance of FDT between medium and high contraction levels. This study showed that FDT is advantageous in regression based online myoelectric control as it generates a more accurate, robust and contraction level invariant scheme for performing prosthetic hand movements. This study is the first to use frequency-based features with a SPEC scheme and shows promise for more intuitive prosthetic devices.




How to Cite

A. Pradhan, N. Jiang, W. Hill, V. Chester, and U. Kuruganti, “Robustness of Frequency Division Technique in a Simultaneous and Proportional Myoelectric Control Scheme”, MEC Symposium, Jul. 2020.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Myoelectric Control Algorithms
