A Platform to Assess Brain Dynamics Reflective of Cognitive Load During Prosthesis Use


  • Oscar Ortiz
  • Usha Kuruganti
  • Daniel Blustein


Prosthetic hand operation often results in high levels of cognitive burden on the user which can lead to fatigue, frustration and device rejection. Previous work that quantified this cognitive load relied on subjective questionnaires or distraction tasks. We have adapted a protocol capable of real-time, objective, non-distracting assessment of cognitive load for use with individuals controlling a myoelectric prosthesis. Here we present this platform to assess cortical dynamics during prosthesis use. We describe a custom-built lightweight prosthesis simulator and an electroencephalography (EEG) assessment. We also present pilot work that shows how alpha inhibitory activity recorded with a wireless EEG system can be used to assess brain dynamics reflective of cognitive tasks as well as motor tasks.




How to Cite

O. Ortiz, U. Kuruganti, and D. Blustein, “A Platform to Assess Brain Dynamics Reflective of Cognitive Load During Prosthesis Use”, MEC Symposium, Aug. 2022.

Conference Proceedings Volume


User Experience