Development and Characterization of a Multiarticulate Pediatric Hand as a Research Platform for Functional Improvements


  • Marcus Battraw
  • Peyton Young
  • Jonathon Schofield


Multiarticulate upper limb prostheses for children remain sparse despite the continued advancement of mechatronic technologies that have benefited the adult population. Research in the field of upper limb prostheses is predominately adult focused, although rates of pediatric upper limb prosthesis abandonment are inflated when compared to adults. The function a prosthesis offers is a driving factor influencing whether a child will continue to wear their prosthesis. The current standard-of-care pediatric devices typically offer a single degree of freedom open/close grasping function, a stark departure from the multiple grasp configurations provided in advanced adult devices. However, as mechatronic technologies continue to advance and multiarticulate devices emerge on the clinical horizon, understanding how this technology translates effectively to the pediatric population is essential. This includes exploring grasping movements that may provide the most beneficial outcomes as well as effective ways to control the newly available dexterity. Currently, no available pediatric research platforms exist that are dexterous and boast open access to hardware and programming that allows for the investigation and provision of multi-grasp function. Here we present the development of a pediatric research platform. This dexterous pediatric-sized hand offers six degrees of freedom and programmable grasping configurations. We present our design metrics, discuss the mechanical and electrical design, and provide device performance results through benchmark testing.




How to Cite

M. Battraw, P. Young, and J. Schofield, “Development and Characterization of a Multiarticulate Pediatric Hand as a Research Platform for Functional Improvements”, MEC Symposium, Aug. 2022.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Prosthetic Devices and Materials